Kids love skits!
Skits are a great for a number of reasons. Skits:
1. On-Scene Reporter
This idea works a number of ways. The teacher has taught the lesson and then encourages the kids to act it out in a news show format. Another way to do it would be to have the kids look up the Bible story and then act it out in a news show format.
Depending on the number of kids in your class, the teacher can be the anchor or one of the students can play that role. They introduce the on-scene reporter who is a student who reports the news (which is the Bible story from your lesson.)
You can include a number of kids with this type of skit. A great way to get new or unchurched kids involved is to have them do sports or weather updates.
2. Act out the Bible story
This is simple and fun. Teach the lesson, then have the class act out the Bible story you have taught. The class can work together to figure out parts and props. If you have children who are shy, there are options for them to still be involved. They can be in charge of props or be given a non-speaking role.
3. Group Bible story Skits
Split your class into groups. Have them look up different Bible stories and then act them out for the other groups. This is a fun review activity.
4. Split the story into Parts
Split your Bible story into parts and split your class into groups (this can work in a small class if students are given individual parts.) Give each group a different part of the story to act out. Then have the groups present their skits in chronological order.
5. Different Groups, Same Story
Split your class into groups and give them all the same Bible story to act out. This is an interesting way to focus on a Bible story. As different groups act out their skit you will see different emphasis and focus.
6. Have Kids Act out the Story as You Tell It
This is a fun way to get the class involved as you tell the Bible story. This is a great option especially when telling a familiar Bible story. In this activity the kids will have little or no speaking parts. Give them their parts ahead of time. Tell them to listen carefully and respond whenever their character acts or speaks in the story. Then, as the teacher, tell the story while your students act it out.
7. Real-Life Application of the Lesson
Skits can also be used during the application part of the lesson. The students are actively involved in connecting the Bible to real life. Start the application discussion with your class. When some application ideas have been introduced, encourage them to split into groups and come up with a skit that shows the application in a real-life situation.
8. Act Out a Daily-Life Scenario and then Have the Kids Come up with a Biblical Response
This suggestion requires a bit of preparation before class. When preparing the lesson, write out some daily-life scenarios that are connected to your lesson – to the Bible story or the application. During your lesson, pass out a card to individual children or a group of kids. Have them act out the scenario and then ask the class to come up with a Biblical response to that scenario. For example, if your lesson was on loving your enemy, one of the scenario’s acted out could be bullying at school. Once the skit is done, ask the class to come up with a Biblical response to that bullying scenario.
9. Role-Playing
This is similar to the above idea, but in this case have the kids act out different responses to the same situation. In this idea, the kids can role play different responses to various scenarios. Then discuss which are the appropriate or Biblical responses.
10. Skits that Help Kids Understand Doctrine
There are important concepts for kids to understand that can be difficult to teach. Consider using skits as a way to help kids unpack and understand Biblical doctrine.
For example, here’s a skit idea that will help kids figure out the concept of justification. Justification is “an instanteous legal act of God in which He (1) thinks of our sins as forgiven and Christ’s righteousness as belonging to us, and (2) declares us to be righteous in His sight.” (Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem.) Have the class act out a courtroom scene.
11. Charades
This last idea works great for the beginning of your lesson. It gets kids attention and introduces a topic or concept. Have a student act out a concept and the class guesses what it is. It’s quick and fun and engaging.
12. Radio (Podcast) Skit
This idea is really challenging for kids because the art of simply listening is dying out. A radio or podcast skit is one done with no props, costumes, sets, or movement. Vocal expression alone is used to communicate. To make this really authentic, have those involved in the skit out of site of the rest of the class. Choose a Bible story or real-life situation and have a group of kids present it as a podcast. All they have is their voice to communicate the plot. Kids can have a lot of fun with this idea! Can they engage the interest of the rest of the class with just their voices!