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Books of the Bible Cards Expansion Pack - Testaments & Divisions

Now that you are having fun with your books of the Bible cards, it's time to add on with the first expansion pack!

Testaments and Divisions are matching cards that contain Old Testament, New Testament, Law (or Pentateuch), History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Gospels & Acts, Paul's Epistles, General Epistles, and Apocalyptic.

Print these cards off on cardstock and add them to the books of the Bible cards for even more Bible skills fun!

Download the Books of the Bible Cards Expansion Pack - Testaments and Divisions.

Books of the Bible cards are available here.

Here are some game ideas to get you started:

Old Testament/New Testament Shuffle

Required: Old Testament and New Testament cards from the expansion pack; 1 set of Books of the Bible cards.

Recommended for: Kindergarten - Grade 3

Set-up: Tape the Old Testament card and the New Testament card to the wall at least a foot apart. Shuffle the books of the Bible cards and put on the floor at the opposite end of the room.

Goal: To correctly place all books under their correct testament.

  1. Line students up.
  2. On "go" the kids will race to the pile, pick up one card, bring it back, and place it on the floor under the correct testament.

Variation: Play the same game with children in grades 4-6 but use the division cards rather than the testament cards.

Bible Divisions Blindfold

Required: one set of books of the Bible cards; the division cards from the testament & divisions expansion pack; blindfold.

Recommended for: Grades 2-6

Set-up: Spread the division cards randomly around the room (on the floor, on tables, on chairs, taped to the wall). Shuffle the books of the Bible cards and place in a central location.

Goal: To work together as a team and have the blindfolded player correctly place books of the Bible cards with divisions of the Bible.

  1. Choose a player to blindfold and give the player a books of the Bible card from the shuffled deck.
  2. The rest of the players direct the blindfolded player to place the card on the correct division.


  1. This game can be played with one or multiple teams. If played with multiple teams, the leader must decide if each team will play in turns or all at the same time.
  2. If playing with a small class, use one team but hand out multiple cards at a time (will need multiple blindfolds).
  3. The leader rearranges the divisions during game play.

Beanbag Blast

Required: one set of testaments and divisions expansion pack; 2 ice cream buckets; beanbags.

Recommended for: younger children - pre-K - Grade 1

Set-up: Tape the New Testament card to the outside of an ice cream bucket and the Old Testament card to the outside of the other ice cream bucket. Shuffle the books of the Bible cards and place in a pile face-down on the floor a few feet away from the ice cream buckets. Place the bean bags beside the books of the Bible cards.

Goal: To throw the beanbag into the correct bucket.

  1. Line students up.
  2. The first student in line will pick a book of the Bible card.
  3. They will then pick up a bean bag and throw it into the corresponding bucket. For example, if they pick up "Matthew", they will throw the beanbag into the "New Testament" bucket.
  4. On completion of turn, the player will go to the back of the line.


  1. For older elementary children (grades 2-6) play the same game but use the division cards rather than the testament cards.