Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting a series on classroom management. Not realizing that it was going to turn into a series, last week I posted Classroom Management – Consistency and Routine.
Before I continue with the series, I want to take a step back and talk about why classroom management is so important and why I am doing a series on it and not on discipline.
I get asked about discipline a lot. Volunteers have specific situations in mind and specific questions about discipline in the classroom.
Discipline is an important topic. I have talked about it before and I will talk about it again. But discipline is a skill teachers need to learn to deal with situations that have already arisen. Classroom management is about preventing those situations.
That is why I want to do a series on classroom management. Learning the skills of managing a classroom well prevents a lot of the behavior issues that lead to discipline and gives the teachers confidence and hopefully joy as they serve the Lord.
So in the next few posts I will be talking about what a teacher needs to know and do when it comes to managing their classrooms well.
I have already talked about consistency and routine. These 2 things are hugely important to a well-managed classroom. Continuing the series I am going to write about being prepared, using time wisely, making use of reasonable consequences, and a few other tips and skills.
Teachers, remember, you are in charge in the classroom! Embrace your role. Lead with confidence and love.
Classroom Management - Consistency & Routine
Classroom Management - Use Time Wisely
Classroom Management - Preparation
Classroom Management - Offer Choices
Classroom Management - Expectations
Classroom Management - Reasonable Consequences