Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Customizing Curriculum

All curriculum is customizable. Each lesson is waiting for you to bring your personality, teaching style, and knowledge of your students.

Maybe the hook idea is not relevant to your class of students. Change it so that your class gets it and is hooked onto the central theme of your lesson.

Maybe there is a lesson illustration that won’t work. Often I find there are illustrations specific to living in the States. As a Canadian, that illustration may not be the best to use. If possible, change it to a Canadian example or find an illustration that highlights the point being made that is better suited to your students.

Maybe during application the discussion questions listed in the lesson are taking a direction that won’t be the best personal response for your class. Write new questions that will help your students see how they should respond to the Biblical truth being taught.

As a teacher, you know your own personality and your students. So, customize your lessons so that your class focuses immediately on the central truth in the lesson and are encouraged to respond Biblically to the truth that was taught.