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Game Review – Bible Blurt!

It’s Sunday morning and as you walk past a classroom you hear:

The last book of the Bible - Revelation!
The Son of God – Jesus!
A title for a king of Egypt – Pharaoh!

The kids are playing Bible Blurt!

Bible Blurt is a card game that can be played with a large or small group of kids ages 8 and up. Bible Blurt is a fun way to review what the kids have been learning and to have fun together. Bible Blurt is great to play with kids who have grown up in the church and with kids who have never read the Bible before. Unchurched kids will not feel left-out as there are plenty of questions that don’t require Bible knowledge.

Here’s how you play:

The official card game rules state that the object is to collect 10 cards by being the quickest to blurt the answers to 10 definitions. The cards are passed around and a definition is read. The child who blurts the correct answer first gets the card. Play continues until someone has 10 cards.

My husband taught a grades 4-6 class and he introduced this game to his students. He came up with some fun ways to vary the game.

He taught in a theatre-like classroom with stairs so he stood at the top of the stairs. The class stood at the bottom. Anyone who shouted out the correct answer moved up one step.

He also played a team version of the game. He split the class into 2 teams and read out definitions. The team who blurted the answer first got the point.

Bible Blurt is available for purchase on amazon.ca for less than $8. You can also make up definitions yourself and play with your class. You can make it specific to what you have been learning and to the kids in your class.

I recommend Bible Blurt. It’s fun, it’s Biblical, it gets everybody involved and doesn’t leave anybody out.

If you are looking for a fun, inexpensive game to play with your kids, check out Bible Blurt.