Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Games Your Kids Will Never Tire of Playing - Duck, Duck, Goose (plus an awesome outdoor variation!)

This game is fun and a great mix of quiet and active!

This game can be played inside or outside. It requires little or no equipment.

Duck, Duck, Goose is a well-known game that kids love! It is simple and lots of fun! The object of the game is for two players to run around the circle in opposite directions trying to reach the empty space first.

 Here's how to play:

All players sit in a circle. One player is chosen to start (IT). IT will walk around the outside of the circle touching the head of each seated player as he/she passes. IT has two choices for each head he/she touches. IT can say “duck” in which case the seated player doesn’t move. IT can also say “goose” in which case the seated player gets up and starts running around the circle. IT starts running around the circle in the opposite direction. Whoever gets to the empty space first wins the round. The player who didn’t get there first becomes IT and play resumes.

 Variation - Drip, Drip, Squeeze

This variation is great for summertime play. It is best played outdoors.

Equipment needed:

  • Ice cream bucket
  • Sponge
  • Water source

In this variation, players immerse a sponge in water and let drops of water fall on the heads of the players seated in the circle. When the sponge is squeezed over the head of a player, the two run around in the circle in opposite directions trying to reach the empty space first. In this version, the player says, “Drip, drip, squeeze” rather than, “duck, duck, goose.”

This game is best played when everyone is already wearing bathing suits or has a change of clothing. Always let kids know ahead of time as some children don’t like to get wet.

 Reasons Why I Love this Game:

  1.  All children play at the same time. No one is left out. This is not an elimination game.
  2. It is easy to learn and simple to play.
  3. It is easy to include new players into the game, even in the middle of the game.
  4. It is extremely versatile – it can be played almost anywhere, requires little or no equipment, and can be played with almost any number of children.