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Games Your Kids Will Never Tire of Playing - Parachute Man

This is a version of the classic game Hangman. The big difference between this version and the original is that the game starts with a full picture and pieces are erased rather than a partial picture with pieces added.


To guess the hidden word before all the lines on the parachute have been erased.


1. One player thinks of a word (but does not tell any of the other players) and writes down the same number of dashes as there are letters in the word.

2. The other players now begin guessing letters in the word, one at a time. If the guess is correct, the first player writes in the letter above the correct dash (or dashes if the letter appears more than once).

3. If the guess is incorrect, the first player erases one of the lines connecting the parachute to the man.

4. The players can guess at the hidden word at any time. The player who correctly identifies the word is the person to choose the next word.

Reasons Why I Love This Game

1. It's a quiet game - It is a good idea to have a few quiet games in your repertoire. There are times when quiet games are the perfect activity

2. It requires little equipment - a writing surface (chalkboards/whiteboards are ideal) and a writing implement (chalk/whiteboard markers).

3. It suits theme rounds perfectly - you can play books of the Bible rounds (like in the picture above), words from the memory verse rounds, animals, people, places, etc.

4. Everyone plays - I love games where the most children can play for the most amount of time and this is one of those games.


Have fun!