Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Great Idea for Mid-Week Clubs!

Are you thinking of starting a mid-week club program? Do you need to revamp your current club program?

Here’s an idea for a club program for girls in grades 5&6:

A few years ago we decided that we needed to refresh our club program. We decided to make our club programs outreach oriented. They were primarily for meeting and building relationships with the kids in our community. On the Children’s Ministry Spectrum, they would be considered outreach. Church kids were encouraged to come, but to invite their friends. We created 3 clubs – one for boys & girls in grades 1-3, one for girls in grades 4-6, and one for boys in grades 4-6. We decided to specialize.

The girls program was called GEMS. (Note: this had nothing to do with the GEMS girls club that has been around for a while. The names just ended up being the same.) We decided to do once a month events. We planned events that would interest girls of this age and then sent out invitations. Invitations were sent via email and snail mail. In the invitations, we encouraged the girls to invite their friends.

We planned a pajama party, a mani-pedi night, a games night, a cooking night, a movie night. We wanted it to be fun and interactive. We planned talks with the girls focusing on issues that they are dealing with – friends, relationships with parents, boys, health & diet. During these talks we brought up what God has to say about the issue. We didn’t plan Bible studies because it was an outreach event, but we did pray and talk about God. We introduced the girls to God and the fact that we can turn to God with our problems and trust Him to love us, care for us, and help us.

This new club format turned out to be very popular. We had 20-30 girls coming to each event (which for our church at the time was a lot!)

We then took the opportunity to invite these girls to VBS, to Sunday School, and to any other event going on at the church that would interest them.

If you are thinking about clubs, look at your children’s ministry spectrum and decide on the main purpose for your club program. If you want to start an outreach club program, use this idea as it is (if you like it!) or as a starting place for you to brainstorm with your volunteers.