You have completed your brainstorming session and you have the bones of your vision statement. Now it’s time to write the vision statement for children’s ministry in your church.
It’s your job to take the things you have highlighted and/or the larger categories you have created and write in a single sentence. This could take a while to get it down to one sentence, but work at it. Making your vision statement a single sentence is important. A single sentence forces you to focus your dreams. Remember, you are making a target that all your children’s ministry volunteers are going to aim at. Make it focused.
If your vision statement is to be effective, it needs to be easily recognizable and easily passed on. A single sentence will help you to accomplish this.
When writing the vision statement it is important to do so from the children’s perspective. Ultimately, it won’t be a statement about your children’s ministry, but about the kids in your ministry. An example of a vision statement written this way is, “Kids who passionately love God and live out their faith in words and actions.” Beginning the sentence with “Kids who” helps to keep you focused on writing it from the child’s perspective.
So, on your whiteboard or flipchart write, “Kids who” and look to your brainstorming notes to complete the sentence.
Once you have your vision statement written in a single sentence from the children’s perspective, it’s time to evaluate it.
Evaluate your vision statement by the qualities of a good vision statement.
Rooted in Scripture
In line with the larger vision of your church
In the next post of this vision-creating series I will talk about the importance of getting the word out about your children’s ministry vision.
How do you develop a vision statement for your children's ministry? Part one - Brainstorm, Part two - Create a single sentence vision statement, Part three - Get the word out.