Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

How to Put Together the Best Prop Box Ever!

Kids love skits!

Skits as an activity in the classroom are a great idea! They get kids involved and interacting with the Bible story, Bible point, new concept, or application. Visitors and regulars; churched and unchurched can get involved.

There are lots of different types of skits kids can have fun with in Sunday School.  Here are 11 skit ideas for your classroom.

In this post I want to talk about being prepared to use a skit anytime by putting together a prop box.

If you have a well-stocked prop box, you can use skits in your classroom as planned activities or spontaneous activities. A prop box is also very handy if you suddenly have time on your hands and need something to do.

So, what does a well-stocked prop box look like and how can you go about stocking one?

1. A Well-Stocked Prop Box

First, find an old trunk, plastic container, or even a large cardboard box to use as your prop box. Make a sign if you want, or ask your class to make it for you.

Next, start filling it with props and costumes that will ignite your student’s imaginations!

Here are some ideas:

  • Fabric in different colors and sizes (these can be used for costumes and props)
  • Plain t-shirts in different colors (especially white and black)
  • Button shirts
  • A dress or two
  • Skirts
  • Hearts – red, black, brown in different sizes
  • Sticker nametags
  • Sandals/flip-flops
  • Crown
  • Scepter
  • Stuffy animals – sheep, pig, donkey, camel, etc
  • Paint sticks (can be used for canes, shepherds staffs, scepters, swords, etc)
  • Scroll
  • Small treasure box
  • Fake gems
  • Fake gold coins
  • At Christmas, find some giant plastic candy canes and paint them brown for shepherd staffs. [Thanks to my friend Kelly for this great idea!]
  • Animal noses
  • Ball and chain [for prisoners]
  • Coil bound notebook and golf pencil
  • Microphone
  • Camera
  • Fake food [bread, fish]
  • Nets
  • Foam or cardboard swords
  • Inflatable globe
  • Inflatable fish/whale
  • Inflatable boat
  • Sun, moon, stars
  • Fancy goblet
  • Rocks/stones [real or plastic]
  • Bandages [rolled up fabric kind for injuries or illnesses]
  • Flashlight/torch/lantern
  • Rope/cord
  • Cardboard [various sizes] for making signs or impromptu props
  • markers

2. Finding Items for your Prop Box

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to put together a really great prop box. Be smart.

Make a list of the items you are hoping to find and make it available to your congregation. It’s amazing what people have lying around their homes!

If it’s the right season, hit the garage sales.

Check out local thrift stores.

Raid your own closets and storage areas.

Browse around dollar stores.
Have fun putting together your prop box!