Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Is Your Mission a Secret Mission?

A mission is an important task. It involves action. Once you know the purpose, you can develop your mission. When figuring out your purpose, you ask, “Why do we exist?” When figuring out your mission, you ask, “What are you going to do to act on that purpose?”

What are we going to do?

Where purpose was fairly general, mission is starting to get more focused and specific. Again, the mission can be general to children’s ministry or specific to a ministry or program.

Here’s an example:

For God's glory we are going to introduce kids to Jesus (evangelize); teach them to love God and to love people (encourage/disciple); and involve them in ministry using their skills, talents, and gifts (equip.)

Here’s the purpose statement that goes with this mission statement:

“We exist, for God's glory, to introduce kids to Jesus and disciple them as Christ-followers that they might introduce the next generation to Jesus and make disciples of them.”

The above purpose statement says that the children’s ministry exists to introduce kids to Jesus and disciple them. The above example of a mission says how that purpose will be fulfilled. They will evangelize, disciple, and equip kids.

Not so Secret Mission

Your mission, like your purpose, needs to be shared with your children’s ministry team, your senior pastor, and your congregation.

It’s important that you know why you have a children’s ministry and what you are going to do in that ministry. But once you know, you need to get the word out and let others know as well.

When your volunteers know what the purpose and mission is, they have something to get behind. They know that they are serving in a ministry that matters; they aren’t just babysitting.

Having a mission motivates people. It gives them something to do – and that something is an important thing!

Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Goals in Children's Ministry Series

Introduction - Purpose, Vision, and Goals in Children's Ministry

Do You Have a Purpose?

Is Your Mission a Secret Mission?

How's Your Vision?

How to Write SMART Goals