Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Mention on Kidology Podcast!

Thank you to Karl Bastian for the mention on his October 23rd podcast "A Recruiting Game Plan."

If you haven't listened to it yet, check it out! The podcast has tons of great info about recruiting.

Recruiting is one of those children's ministry elements that keeps cropping up. It is rarely anyone's favorite part of children's ministry and yet it is essential. Karl mentions this website around 40 minutes into the podcast. Specifically he refers to the recruiting ebook available for free when you sign up for my newsletter.

If you haven't received your copy of 20 Ways to Make Recruiting Easier, then check out the sidebar and sign up for the newsletter. The newsletters are full of hints, tips, and encouragement for children's ministry volunteers.

Listen to the podcast. You will be encouraged and will come away with some new ideas for recruiting. And sign up for the newsletter. The ebook is full of tips, ideas, and encouragement as you recruit people to join your team in children's ministry!