Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

My Observations of a Small Town Children’s Ministry


On our recent trip to PEI, my husband and I visited a small Baptist church. It was our privilege to worship with such friendly people.

We were welcomed with open arms (and quite a few hugs!) The congregation might have been small (about 40 people) but they made up for it with such huge hearts!

This church ran Sunday School during the service. The children were dismissed after the singing to their class downstairs.

Children ages 3-9 were in one class. The curriculum chosen was targeted for children in Grade 1.

I was impressed with the volunteers willing to take on such a challenge! It’s not easy teaching a class with children of such varying ages. But these teachers rotate with each other teaching from a very solid curriculum.

So, what were my observations of this small town children’s ministry:

  • Lots of love!
  • Lots of fun!
  • Solid Biblical teaching
  • Committed volunteers who are willing to work with what they have

Sounds like a great children’s ministry to me!