Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Outreach Idea--Mission: Possible

Are you looking for a new idea for outreach to the kids in your community? Here’s an idea that you can use to reach out to boys in grades 4-6.

Mission: Possible

This idea is based around events planned specifically for boys in grades 4-6.

Plan one event per month. Since it is once a month, go big! Think Glo-bowling, rock-climbing, Floor hockey tournament, sledding in a cool location, or a Wii tournament on big screens. Take some time in the planning stages to brainstorm ideas.

It’s a good idea to follow the school year, so plan for 10 events.

Then, because it has a spy theme, invite boys from your church and your community to join the mission. Send out invites (by mail or email). Play around with the theme and have fun!

For each event, send out a new mission invite. This should contain what the mission is, where it will be, and when it will be.

To make it even more fun, devise a simple code that your mission team will need to break to get the needed info.

During the events, have fun and take the time to get to know the boys. Build relationships. Also, plan on brief devotionals that will introduce the boys to Jesus.

As always, when offering programs for kids, make sure you have enough leaders to run the program. These can be men from your church or older teens. Make sure you have safety policies and procedures in place.

Mission: Possible

Have fun with the spy theme, plan cool events that boys in your community will want to attend, recruit leaders that understand the purpose and goals of this outreach program, plan entry-level devotionals that will introduce the boys to Jesus and allow them to ask questions and discover Biblical truth.