Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Sharing the Gospel with Kids - Introduction

Over the next few posts I want to talk about sharing the gospel with kids. This is a hugely important part of children's ministry.

For the past 5 years I have told the story at our VBS. I love it! I love engaging and interacting with kids. I love sharing the gospel with kids.

Each year as I prepare to share the gospel I am struck by the weight of my responsibility. It is my responsibility to share the gospel truthfully, accurately, and in a way that kids will understand. I am humbled every year that I get the privilege of sharing this great truth with the kids of my community.

I am also reminded of what isn't my responsibility. I am not the one who saves children - God does that! God softens hearts and draws kids to Himself. My job is to share the truth of the gospel and then let God transform lives!

So, in this series I will break down the gospel message and share with you how I have explained difficult concepts to kids. I will also be sharing some fabulous resources to use in helping kids to understand the gospel.

Come back soon!

Check out the other blogposts in this series!