Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Teaching Tip - Start Early

When preparing for Sunday (whatever your role), start early.

Sunday or Monday night, read through the lesson material. Whether you are teaching the lesson, leading small group application, or both, read through all of the material. Focus on the Scripture passage the lesson is based on. If you read through the lesson early on, it will be in your mind and you will have the opportunity to think about the truth of the lesson, how kids might apply that truth to their lives, and what activities might best highlight the truth taught.

If you start early, you will also have time to pull together props or teaching aids you may need for the lesson.

Once you have read through the lesson, pray and ask God what He wants you to teach. Pray that the truth of the lesson will penetrate your heart. And pray for the students in your class specifically that the Holy Spirit would be working in their lives and preparing them to hear this truth.

And then continue praying throughout the week for yourself as a teacher or small group leader and for the kids in your class or group.