Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

There is Huge Value in Spending Time with People Who Share Your Passion

Every couple of months I get together with other children’s pastors in my city. We meet for lunch and catch up on each others’ lives. We talk about what is going well in our ministries and what isn’t. We talk about ideas we have for special events and programs. We seek advice and use each other as sounding boards. We share prayer requests.

I love these lunches. I find great value in attending them.

These are people who share my passion, who understand and commiserate, who laugh with me and share my frustrations.

I strongly recommend finding others in your city, town, or area who work with kids in churches. Arrange to meet every couple of months. It doesn’t have to be super-organized or formal. But find a group that you can share your ministry with.

It makes such a huge difference to know you are not alone in your desire to disciple children and partner with parents for the glory of God.