Well-Equipped Volunteer: Train & Grow Your Children's Ministry Volunteers

Tips for Leading Application Time #9

Get to know your kids

It’s important to know about your kids so that you make the application time as applicable as possible. You don’t want vague responses to biblical truth – you want very specific responses.

Here are some ways you can get to know your kids:

  • Make it a point to spend a few minutes talking one-on-one with a child every Sunday.
  • Plan some ‘get acquainted’ questions ahead of time and bring one with you every Sunday to ask during class. For example, “What’s your favorite movie?” “What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?” “Tell me about your family.”
  • Play the ‘Hi, my name is…’ game. In this game kids will pull a card out of a bag and finish the sentence written on in. On their turn, the student will pull a card out of the bag and say, “Hi, my name is  ____________ and my favorite ………..” It is a quick, fun way to get to know the kids in your group. Don’t forget to play yourself! Find a small gift bag and some index cards. On each index card write “My favorite _______ is…” (“my favorite food is…” “my favorite sport is…” “my favorite candy is…” “my favorite subject at school is…” “my favorite pizza topping is…” “my favorite Bible story is…” “my favorite animal is…” “my favorite vacation spot is…”)
  • Encourage your small group to share prayer requests.
  • Find out your groups birth dates and send birthday cards.
  • Allow time on Sunday morning for conversation. If you are rushed off your feet, you won’t take the time to chat with your kids. Make some breathing room in your schedule and use that time to talk with the kids in your small group.