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Top 10 Uncle Charlie Songs

It can be hard to find good music for kids – especially when you are looking for music to use on Sunday morning. A lot of songs are just silly or are too vague and symbolic for kids.

But there is good music out there – songs that kids can understand; songs that teach kids something about God; songs that lead kids to worship.

One of the places to find music for kids is www.unclecharlie.com. Uncle Charlie calls himself a music missionary to kids. He has many songs on his website available to purchase as CD’s, DVD’s, or downloads. I picked 10 songs that are great for Sunday morning. I will list the songs and why I picked them.

Here are my top 10 picks from Uncle Charlie:


1. Happy Day

This is a joyful, high energy song. Happy Day declares that Jesus is alive! It is a celebration of the fact that Jesus has saved us from our sins and we can be forever changed because of His death and resurrection. This song requires little explanation for kids. The second verse is about meeting Jesus face to face. It would be a good idea to talk briefly about it with the kids to make sure they understand it.

2. All the Earth

This song is a song of praise to Jesus for saving us from sin. It talks about His death and resurrection. It highlights the fact that He is the King; He can be trusted to do what He says He will do; and that one day He is coming back. One day, all the earth will sing His praises. This is a good transition song when moving from high energy songs to slower songs.

3. Love the Lord

This song is about loving, serving, and praising God.

Mark 12:30 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

I love that this song takes words straight from Scripture. It is both a song of praise and a commitment to love and serve God with everything we are. This is a good transition song when moving from high energy songs to slower songs.

4. God is Great
The title says it all! In this song, we praise God because He is great! A number of God’s attributes are mentioned in this song. It also acknowledges that fact that God’s name will be praised in the entire world. A couple phrases may need to be explained: in the first verse “worshipping in Spirit and in truth;” in the second verse, “Let Your fire burn in us, that all may hear and all may see…” This is a good transition song when moving from high energy songs to slower songs.

5. Lord, Reign in Me
When you sing this song with kids, it is important that you explain that this song is about how God is the King. God is the King of everything and He is our King. This song is about understanding that God is the King and asking Him to be our King – asking God to be in charge of our lives. That what it means when it says, “Lord, reign in me.” This is a good transition song when moving from high energy songs to slower songs.

6. Majestic

Psalm 8:1 says, “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”

This song of praise begins with those words. It talks about how creation shows the greatness of God and that we can join creation and give our praise to God. It is upbeat and joyful. This is a good transition song when moving from high energy songs to slower songs.

7. My Best Friend
This is a fun, upbeat song about hearing about and believing in Jesus. Choosing to follow Jesus means that Jesus is our Savior and our best friend. This song expresses what we believe about Jesus. This is a commitment song that tells of our desire to follow Jesus.

8. No One Like You
This is a fast-paced, high energy song. No One Like You is a song of praise to our God who is unlike anyone or anything. It describes our God as unique, beautiful, everywhere all the time, never changing, and good. God is worthy of our worship because there is no one else like Him!

9. You Are God Alone
This is a slower worship song. It describes God as being the only God who doesn’t need anything; who has always been God and will always be God.

“You are God and that’s just the way it is.” We can be confident in the fact that God is God alone and will never change. He is in charge and we can trust in His character and goodness. Acts 17:24-25 says, “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.”

10. You Are Holy
This is an upbeat praise song. It can be sung as a repeat song or you can split your kids into 2 groups to sing. This song describes God’s character and talks about following and loving this holy, mighty God. In the chorus we sing many of the names of God – names that help us see what God is like and why He is worthy of our praise – Lord of lords, King of kings, Mighty God, Emmanuel, Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, Great I Am, Prince of Peace. A lot of good discussion can come out of this song – discussion that can lead to prayers of worship. This is a good transition song when moving from high energy songs to slower songs.